Dear friends,
let us wish the new year 2024 to be brighter and more prosperous!
This year again, we supported the gesture to young photographers from all over the world (from 16 to 25 years) with free participation (on their personal choice of sections) is valid at the stage of acceptance of works. But it’s already for 3 sections! Last year’s conclusions are that there was interest from young people, and better ones won awards. But in order to expand the circle of young people, we added 4 more years to the age range of “young” photographers – until last year the limit was 21, and now it is already 25 years old photographers! Another promotion on the occasion of our 10-th anniversary was that every author participating from 1 section up received 1 section for free. Well, this year we have news – the free sections become 2!
IPS Plovdiv 2023 is again in the cultural calendar of the city of Plovdiv. There will be a luxury album in book body with some of the better photos again thanks to the financial support of the Municipality of Plovdiv. We hope again for the participation of the most active and good photo artists from around the world, and the jury to evaluate, award and choose the most impressive photo works!
11-th edition of International Photo Salon Plovdiv 2024
The partners are the same, but let you remind them again:
2. APB Patronage - 2024/002
Academy of photography Bulgaria – Yanka Kyurkchieva
APB is the national photo federation, operational member of FIAP for Bulgaria and its official representative:
3. FIAP Patronage – 2024/194
International Federation of Photographic Art
5 star rating for our luxury album from 2023!
For the eighth consecutive year, IPS Plovdiv has the highest rating for a photo catalog in Bulgaria!
4. HPS Patronage – 2024/10
Hellenic Photographic Society – our neighbor and friends from Greece
The salon is open for participation and we are waiting for you!
We invite all professionals and amateurs from all over the world in the following 6 sections (all digital):
2. Open COLOR
The most important condition that we introduced in 2019 remains relevant:
The Photo Salon does not accept photographs that have already participated (included in final selection) in the previous editions!
Discount for individual entry in the current edition + 2 free sections *
* If you pay whatever of choices, you can enter in 2 more section free. Samples: If you pay for 1 section = you enter in 3 sections / pay for 2 sections = enter in 4; and etc.
Аll young photographers from 16 to 25 years accomplished, can take free part in the salon in 3 sections (by their personal choice).
Requirements for Youth: To be eligible to enter, you must be 16-25 years of age till closing date – May 1, 2024. Аge range – 16 to 25 years old (born between 01.05.1999 to 01.05.2008). The young photographers, have to declare their born date in the entry form. In case of doubt about the declared age, the organizer reserves the right to reject the entry.
Detailed salon rules you can be viewed HERE as pdf file, and download it.
Contact information:
Anton Savov, ЕFIAP, ESFIAPChief coordinator
+359 888 30 47 46