The commission, appointed by Order №16OA2747 / 13.10.2016g. the Mayor of the Municipality of Plovdiv on grounds of Article 44, paragraph 1, item 1 and 2 of the Law on Local Self in relation to Article 6, Paragraph 2, Item 2 of the “Regulations on the modalities for financing initiatives in the field of culture, part of the calendar of cultural events of Plovdiv Municipality “admitted evaluate proposals under Component 1″ Festivals and significant events “and rank projects accumulated to be included in the calendar of cultural events of the Municipality of Plovdiv 2017.
Plovdiv Municipality officially announced its CALENDAR OF CULTURAL EVENTS FOR 2017
/ Adopted by Decision № 538 taken with Protocol № 22 of 22.12.2016 years /
in which a group of Component 1 “Festivals and significant events” include
Fourth International Photo Salon Plovdiv 2017.
The salon will be held under the patronage of four national and international photographic organizations. This event was held for the fourth time in Plovdiv and again will add assets to the promotion of the city as the oldest living city in Europe and enhance the interest in our city as European Capital of Culture in 2019.
The project is a contest. It includes professional and amateur photographers from around the world – the winners will be arranged in classic exhibition.
Awards and part of the final selection will be included in printed catalog issued with financial support of Plovdiv Municipality.