On 23, 24 and 25 may 2019 was held the judging of the 6th International Photo Salon PLOVDIV 2019.
The Jury in team:
Chairman – Mr Ricardo Buzi, MFIAP, EFIAP/p, HonEFIAP, (Italy) and members:
Mr. Burak Senak, UPI Hermes, EFIAP, Hon.SSS (Turkey)
Mr. Minko Mihailov, (Bulgaria)
Mr. Miroslav Mominsky, EFIAP (Bulgaria)
Ms. Velichka Todorova, AFIAP (Bulgaria)
and Mr. Alexander Ivanov, AFIAP (Bulgaria)
rated all 4006 frames and determined the final collection of the edition.
The jury‘s decision is final and irrevocable.

Included photographs in the final selection (by sections) can be found on following links:

2. Open COLOR C
6. MY TOWN + 6.1. European Capitals of Culture 1985 -2022Т

We ask all participants to review the names of their photos in English and to make final adjustments to them – any errors, problems or inconsistencies with your originals (if already accepted in other FIAP contests). Our request (if anyone has some remarks of the names) to send to us by June 17, so we can publish them correctly in the catalog and in the salon file, which we send as report to FIAP.
We just remind you, that when you participate in different salons, the name of each of your photographs should be the same. Otherwise, some of your receptions may not be honored. From January 1, 2018 FIAP set up some new specific regulations about Re-titling of previously accepted images (DOC 017/2017 E-SANCTIONS FOR BREACHING FIAP REGULATIONS and “RED LIST”). Sanctions for “re-titling” will be imposed for instances where a previously accepted image or print has been given a different title and/or where a Colour version and a Monochrome version and/or a Print version and a Projected Digital Image version of the same image have been given different titles.


THE PROTOCOL with the determined awards you can found HERE!


The parts of the flash catalog will be published once the catalog is ready for printing and programming in a flash fliping book! The catalog, including all the finalists photos, will again be divided into 7 parts – 1 with a general presentation and 6 with the sections of the edition. We wish you pleasant moments with the final selection of 2019!

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