
Dear participants,

we will be reminding you a part of the regulations for IPS Plovdiv 2014 regarding the files you participate with:

We accept up to 4 photographs per section: 8-bit color, jpeg format, in sRGB profile, min 3000 px on the wide side,
300 dpi and with min 10 jpeg compression. File size should be less than 3 MB.

The file name should be a maximum of 31 characters, in 4 or 5 groups:
- group 1 includes the country ISO code as listed on www.iso.org;
- group 2 should represent the author’s name limited to five characters (example: smith or jsmit or josmi for John Smith);
- group 3 is the section identificator: T = Theme, M = Open – black and white, monochrome, C = Open – color;
- group 4 is the sequential number of the photograph in each section (1, 2, 3, 4);
- group 5 (optional) is title of the photograph preceded by an underscore (_) and truncated to the first 17 characters.

Note: permitted characters are ONLY digits, latin letters and underscore (_). All text should be lowercase except for group 3. The file extension should be lowercase: jpg.
Examples: gbsmithТ1.jpg, gbsmithТ2.jpg, gbsmithC1_Still_life.jpg, gbsmithМ2_Portrait.jpg

Please enter below the titles of your photographs, not their file names.

Thank you :)